- European Radiology, (7903/02), “Percutaneous extrahepatic portocaval shunt (PEPS) with covered prostheses: an alternative to TIPS” (Original Article) (2002).
- Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (JGH-00865-2006) “Increase of serum CA 19-9 level without of evident lesion on conventional imaging is insufficient for justification of 18-FDG PET examination” (Original Article) (2006).
- European Radiology (ER-Dec-2007-004590) “An initial clinical study on the efficacy of cisplatin-releasing gelatin microspheres for metastatic liver tumors” (Original Article) (2008).
- European Radiology (ER-Mar-2008-004868) “Bleeding after percutaneous intraportal islet-after-kidney transplantation (IAK) or islet-transplant-alone (ITA): Different risk factors and effectiveness of intrahepatic tract embolization in 108 procedures.” (Original Article) (2008).
- European Radiology (ER-Dec-2008-006072) “The optimal ablative margin of radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma over 2 cm: quantitative assessment using CT image fusion”. (Original Article) (2008).
- European Radiology (ER-Mar-2009-006619) "Comparison of contrast material containing both high and moderate iodine concentration using multiphase dynamic CT of the liver. : a prospective multicenter study." (Original Article) (2009).
- European Radiology (ER-Sep-2009-007491) "Giant symptomatic hepatic cavernous hemangiomas are effectively treated by percutaneous ultrasonography-guided radiofrequency ablation." (Original Article) (2009).
- European Radiology (ER-Feb-2010-008102) “Use of artificial ascites during percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma abutting the diaphragm: a comparative study on the effect of thermal protection and therapeutic efficacy”. (Original Article) (2010).
- European Radiology (ER-Nov-2010-009497) “Microwave ablation assisted by a real-time virtual navigation system for hepatocellular carcinoma undetectable by conventional ultrasonography”. (Original Article) (2010).
- European Radiology (ER-Jul-2011-010557) "Stereotactic radiofrequency ablation of colorectal liver metastases". (Original Article) (2011).
- European Radiology (ER-Jan-2012-011371) “Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma adjacent to large blood vessels using 1.5T MRI-guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation combined with iodine-125 radioactive seed implantation” (Original Article) (2012).
- European Radiology (ER-Sep-2012-012502) “Comparison of ablation areas produced by the internally-cooled radiofrequency ablation system and a new microwave ablation system equipped with a miniaturized device reducing back heating effects. A prospective pilot study. (Original Article) (2012).
- European Radiology (ER-Jan-2013-013009) “Detection of recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma on postoperative surveillance: Comparison of MDCT and gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI. (Original Article) (2013).
- European Radiology (ER-May-2013-013665) “Transcatheter Arterial Embolization with Doxorubicin Eluting SAP Microspheres in the treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Follow-Up Study”. (Original Article) (2013).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-13-00316) “Contrast-Enhanced MR Cholangiography with Gd-EOB-DTPA for Preoperative Biliary Mapping: Correlation with Intraoperative Cholangiography”. (Original Article) (2013).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-14-00407) Distribution of liver metastases based on the site of primary pancreatic carcinoma. (Original Article) (2014).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVR-2014-0204) Improved accuracy of percutaneous biopsy using cross and push technique for patients suspected with malignant biliary strictures. (Original Article) (2014).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-14-00433) Contrast enhancement pattern on multidetector CT predicts malignancy in pancreatic endocrine tumors. (Original Article) (2014).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-14-01014) Cystic Duct Enhancement: A Useful CT Finding in the Diagnosis of Acute Cholecystitis without Visible Impacted Gallstones. (Original Article) (2014).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVR-2014-0552) Core biopsy of renal masses: a safe and accurate tool for managing all that is indeterminate. (Original Article) (2014).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-2015-0411) Comparison of different devices for endoluminal radiofrequency ablation: ex-vivo data. (Technical Note) (2015).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-15-01218). "Value & Accuracy of Multidetector Computed Tomography in Obstructive Jaundice". (Original Article) (2015).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-2015-0656) "Design and characterization of an indwelling stent with embedded light emitting diodes for photodynamic therapy of malignant biliary obstruction". (Original Article) (2015).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00108) "Palliation of malignant gastroduodenal obstruction: fluoroscopic metallic stent placement with different approaches." (Original Article) (2016).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-16-00634). “CT features predictive of lymph node involvement in patients with a nonfunctioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor”. (Original Article) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00319). "Haemorrhagic complications and symptomatic venous thromboembolism in interventional tumour ablations: the impact of peri-interventional thrombosis prophylaxis". (Original Article) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00310). “Bleeding during CT guided percutaneous transgastric drainage of pancreatic necrotic collection”. (Letter) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00295). “Interventional RFA as a successful therapeutic modality for patients with malignant biliary and pancreatic duct obstruction”. (Technical Note) (2016).
- Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Surgical Care. (HETS-16-004) “Evaulating diagnostic markers to confirm acute cholecystitis in critically ill patients with a non-biliary admitting diagnosis: is there an optimal algorithym prior to placement of percutaneous cholecystostomy?” (Original Article) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00439). "Venous air embolism during rendezvous technique in post-liver transplant biliary duct-to-duct stricture." (Case Report) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00783). "Laser guidance in C-arm cone-beam CT guided radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma reduces fluoroscopy time". (Clinical Investigation) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00943). "Use of alcohol as ascolicidal and sclerosing agent in percutaneous treatment of liver hydatid cysts: a single-center report of a seven year experience". (Clinical Investigation) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-17-00376). “Imaging guide percutaneous biopsy of peripheral lung lesions: Ultrasound or Computed Tomography? A single-centre experience". (Scientific Paper). (2017).
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- European Radiology (ER-Mar-2008-004868) “Bleeding after percutaneous intraportal islet-after-kidney transplantation (IAK) or islet-transplant-alone (ITA): Different risk factors and effectiveness of intrahepatic tract embolization in 108 procedures.” (Original Article) (2008).
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- European Radiology (ER-Sep-2009-007491) "Giant symptomatic hepatic cavernous hemangiomas are effectively treated by percutaneous ultrasonography-guided radiofrequency ablation." (Original Article) (2009).
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- European Radiology (ER-Jul-2011-010557) "Stereotactic radiofrequency ablation of colorectal liver metastases". (Original Article) (2011).
- European Radiology (ER-Jan-2012-011371) “Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma adjacent to large blood vessels using 1.5T MRI-guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation combined with iodine-125 radioactive seed implantation” (Original Article) (2012).
- European Radiology (ER-Sep-2012-012502) “Comparison of ablation areas produced by the internally-cooled radiofrequency ablation system and a new microwave ablation system equipped with a miniaturized device reducing back heating effects. A prospective pilot study. (Original Article) (2012).
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- European Radiology (EURA-D-14-00407) Distribution of liver metastases based on the site of primary pancreatic carcinoma. (Original Article) (2014).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVR-2014-0204) Improved accuracy of percutaneous biopsy using cross and push technique for patients suspected with malignant biliary strictures. (Original Article) (2014).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-14-00433) Contrast enhancement pattern on multidetector CT predicts malignancy in pancreatic endocrine tumors. (Original Article) (2014).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-14-01014) Cystic Duct Enhancement: A Useful CT Finding in the Diagnosis of Acute Cholecystitis without Visible Impacted Gallstones. (Original Article) (2014).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVR-2014-0552) Core biopsy of renal masses: a safe and accurate tool for managing all that is indeterminate. (Original Article) (2014).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-2015-0411) Comparison of different devices for endoluminal radiofrequency ablation: ex-vivo data. (Technical Note) (2015).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-15-01218). "Value & Accuracy of Multidetector Computed Tomography in Obstructive Jaundice". (Original Article) (2015).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-2015-0656) "Design and characterization of an indwelling stent with embedded light emitting diodes for photodynamic therapy of malignant biliary obstruction". (Original Article) (2015).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00108) "Palliation of malignant gastroduodenal obstruction: fluoroscopic metallic stent placement with different approaches." (Original Article) (2016).
- European Radiology (EURA-D-16-00634). “CT features predictive of lymph node involvement in patients with a nonfunctioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor”. (Original Article) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00319). "Haemorrhagic complications and symptomatic venous thromboembolism in interventional tumour ablations: the impact of peri-interventional thrombosis prophylaxis". (Original Article) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00310). “Bleeding during CT guided percutaneous transgastric drainage of pancreatic necrotic collection”. (Letter) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00295). “Interventional RFA as a successful therapeutic modality for patients with malignant biliary and pancreatic duct obstruction”. (Technical Note) (2016).
- Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Surgical Care. (HETS-16-004) “Evaulating diagnostic markers to confirm acute cholecystitis in critically ill patients with a non-biliary admitting diagnosis: is there an optimal algorithym prior to placement of percutaneous cholecystostomy?” (Original Article) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00439). "Venous air embolism during rendezvous technique in post-liver transplant biliary duct-to-duct stricture." (Case Report) (2016).
- Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (CVIR-D-16-00783). "Laser guidance in C-arm cone-beam CT guided radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma reduces fluoroscopy time". (Clinical Investigation) (2016).
1. International Journal of Case Reports and Images (31.01.2014)